

FAFCI checks and donations to the women of Aboisso


My Dear Sisters,

I am happy to meet you today on the occasion of this ceremony of the remittance of the FAFCI checks and donations to you, my sisters of Aboisso.

It is with great pleasure that I note that you have turned out in large numbers to welcome us. You have come from all the towns, villages and camps of the South-Comoé region to show us your support and your joy to welcome us home. Know that it moves me enormously.

My joy is even greater, that we now benefit from the distinguished presence of my dear sister, Madame Henriette Konan BEDIE, daughter of the region, that welcomes us home today. I would ask you to give him a standing ovation.

I would also like to tell her, here, before you all my gratitude for the affection she has always proven towards us, President Alassane Ouattara and myself. This is also the venue to greet her generosity and her humanitarian commitment to the poor and the sick, especially through the actions of the Fondation SERVIR.

Dear elder sister, thank you for your gracious presence. I would like you to convey my affectionate thoughts to our elder President Henri Konan BEDIE whom we’ll see shortly.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would first like to greet all the personalities that made us the friendship to be present today, particularly, Madam the Great Chancellor, our lovely auntie and sister the First Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly. I cannot forget my young sisters Ministers, as well as the wife of the Prime Minister and the wife of the Inspector General.

I also want to extend my warmest greetings to Mrs Jacqueline Brou, Wife of Minister Jean-Claude Brou, a son of the region; and to my sisters wives of Ministers present here. I ask you to applaud them loudly.

I would now like to welcome Mr. Regional Prefect, Mr President of the Regional Council, Minister AKA Aouelé; the MP of Aboisso Mr. N’Gouan Jémérie and the Mayor of Aboisso, Mr. Mamadou KANO; and all administrative authorities present at this FAFCI ceremony. Finally, thank you to all the individuals who are with us today, like my brother Minister Lamine Fadiga, to show their support. Thank you to all of you.

My Dear Sisters,

As you know, the Support Fund to the Women of Côte d’Ivoire has been set up to support you in your activities, thanks to the President of the Republic, my dear husband, President Alassane Ouattara, my darling, who is the greatest advocate of women. He also asked me to convey his greetings and to hug you very much. You’ll see him this afternoon at the great meeting.

My Dear Sisters,

Today I have come to make you benefit an additional funding of 140 million CFA francs, bringing the total budget of the FAFCI for Aboisso department to FCFA 200 million.

With this new provision, the women of the South Comoé region have a total budget of CFA francs 550 million for the development of their micro-projects. This budget is divided as follows: 200 million for the Department of Aboisso, 200 million for the Department of Grand-Bassam, 100 million for the Department of Adiaké, and 50 million for Tiapoum.

I am convinced, my dear sisters, that you will make good use of money that you will receive on completion of your training, and your new income-generating activities will enable you to contribute to the well-being of your families.

At this stage of my remarks, I would like to thank the UNACOOPEC, our technical partner in the implementation of the FAFCI and welcome the presence here this morning, of its General Manager, Mr. Issiaka SAVANNAH, whom I congratulate for his excellent work. I ask you to applaud him loudly.


My Dear Sisters,

In addition to the FAFCI checks, I also came with donations in kind that have been listed to you, to help you carry out your activities in the fields you have chosen. I know they will be very useful.

Never forget, my dear sisters, that I have faith in you and your abilities. You can always count on my affection and support.

I wish an excellent day to you all.


Thank you.

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