Première dame de Côte d’Ivoire


Musical Comedy


Children Of Africa Foundation of Mrs. Dominique Ouattara offered the spectacle of the Queen of Snow to 1,500 children of the District of Abidjan, Saturday, April 15, 2017. This musical show of the Nathan Show World taking again the theme of the famous cartoon of Walt Disney took place at the Francois Lougah Hall of the “Palais de la Culture” of Treichville. Children from all social strata of the District of Abidjan and the interior of the country, early, since 9 o'clock the realms of the palace of culture. They came from international and national organizations working in the field of child protection and various structures, including AICI, La “Case des Enfants”, the International Catholic Child Bureau (BICE), the Movement for the Protection of Children, Education, Health and Community Development (MESAD), the Sant'Egidio Community, the Orphanage of Bingerville and Grand Bassam, the Orphanage “La Maison du Pottie”r, the SOS Children's Village of Abobo and Aboisso, "Le Caillou Blanc", NGO N'Klo Bakan, NGO Cavoequiva, “La Farandole”, “Les Sœurs Dominicaines”, the town halls of the communes of Adjamé, Abobo, Attécoubé, Anyama, Bingerville, Cocody, Marcory, Plateau, Port-Bouet, Treichville, Yopougon, the Toddlers’ Rugby Club of Treichville, the children of the fruit vendors of the Plateau.

For more than an hour, the players of the musical comedy allowed children to visit their rich repertoire. "Le chant du Renne", the French musical variety and especially of love, have punctuated the adventures of Queen Elsa and Princess Anna of the fairy kingdom of Arendelle, and this, in more than 23 beautiful scenery videos changing according to seasons .

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